The second try statement begins by setting up the Properties data structure that you need when you connect to Geronimo's built-in Derby database, SystemDatabase. 第二个try语句先设置连接Geronimo内置的Derby数据库&SystemDatabase时需要的Properties数据结构。
Allocate one or more statement handles ( covered in the section above on the structure of an ODBC application). 分配一个或多个语句句柄(在关于ODBC应用程序的结构的上一节曾讲到)。
This statement returns all nodes that match the specified path structure. 该语句返回所有与指定路径结构匹配的节点。
The class was divided in teams and each one worked on the metaphors that the students used in their Statement of Purpose to structure their thinking about design and computation. 这堂课我们将进行分组,而每一组要讨论学生们在各自的提案构想中,为组织他们对设计及运算的想法,所使用的各种隐喻。
Certainly, we can use the similar approach in the income statement to analyzing the profitability and profit structure. 当然,我们可以在损益表中采用同样的方法分析盈利能力和盈利结构。
During hands-on exercises, you will work as part of a team to develop a project charter, a project scope statement, a work breakdown structure, and risk-based estimates for a real project provided by you or by another participant. 在动手练习中,你会作为一个团队的一部分对一个由你或其他学员提供的真实项目案例进行实施其项目计划,项目框架,工本结构及风险测算。
An Approach to OO Program Faults Checking Based on Statement Structure 一种基于语句结构的面向对象程序故障检查方法
Hours after headlines blared with the news of the impending asset takeout battle, China Netcom issued a cranky statement saying it would not countenance a change in the ownership structure. 这场即将开始的资产争夺大被以头条新闻宣布的几小时后,中国网通作出了一条令人不解的声明,称它不会支持所有权结构上的任何变化。
For each control, the CONTROLS statement creates a structure with the name of the control in the ABAP program. 对于每个表控件,控件表会在ABAP程序中创建一个以控件名称命名的结构。
This innocuous, quite banal statement conceals a great profundity: that no structure in the living world arises de novo. 这种乏善可陈、老生常谈的陈述掩盖了一种微言大义:生命世界中的任何结构都不是无中生有的。
Statement of the inclined leg rigid frame bridge structure made of reinforced concrete 钢筋混凝土斜腿刚架桥结构型式初论
Based on the author's many-year-study in C programming, this article, combining quite a number of examples, tries to explore C language from the angle of statement structure, which will provide some lessons for C language programmers. 本文根据笔者多年对C语言程序设计的学习和探索,通过大量的实例分析,试图从C语言的语句结构角度方面进行研究和探讨,并给C语言编程者提供一些重要的经验教训。
Statement of fault of cantilever structure in design and construction 浅谈悬挑结构设计和施工中的常见病
Period& Music paragraph, is one of main units in music statement structure. 乐段&音乐的段落,音乐陈述结构的主要形式之一。
The Statement Processing System Based on Structure of Table 基于表结构的语句处理系统
Statement of the method to do supervising work in structure specialty 浅谈结构专业监理工作方法
Statement of Constitution on the State's Structure 宪法对国家结构形式的表述
Under the datasheet instruction, the difference of statement structure embodies in the index table, but the differences of accounting statement-making embodies in its instructions. Their organizing processes are completely the same. 数据表化指令认为,各种报表结构上的差异体现在各自的指标表中,而编制方法上的差异则体现在指令上,它们的编制过程是完全相同的。
Starting from statement of the concept of urban structure, this paper discusses the nature of the complexity of urban structure from diversity of urban life, plurality of urban culture and regularity of nature. 本文从城市结构的基本概念出发,从生活的多样性、文化的多元性以及自然的规定性三个方面论述了城市结构复杂性的本质。
The information could be hiden into the original document by altering the physics characteristic of the markable font or changing the DTD statement and applications energy logic structure of the original XML document. 通过改变XML的标示字体的物理特性,或变换DTD声明及其应用能量中的原始XML文档的逻辑结构,将信息隐藏到XML的原始文档中。
The following statement summarizes the results of this discussion: Numeral-restricted numeral-classifier structure contains special form with special meaning, whose characteristics, contrary to numeral-unrestricted numeral-classifier structure, can be explained in light of the expanded theory of markedness. 文章认为:数词有限制的数量结构,有特殊的形式,蕴含特殊的意义,其特征与数词无限制的数量结构形成对立,可用扩展了的标记理论来解释。
The fusion pattern of historical alerts clustering performs to meet various queries for network security statement by using multilevel fusion system structure. 历史报警聚类功能模块采用多级融合的体系结构,实现满足不同用户需求的网络安全状态查询。
Traditionally, analysis of financial reports was mainly made on balance sheet and income statement typically with structure, tendency and rate analysis. 传统财务报告分析是针对资产负债表和损益表进行的,其典型的分析方法包括结构分析、趋势分析和比率分析。
The general statement on shear wave velocity structure research methods 剪切波速度结构研究方法综述
Produce a project scope statement and work breakdown structure as deliverable. 生成项目范围说明书、工作分解结构等范围管理工作的可交付成果。
The property securitization relies on the superiority of finance which is outside fiscal statement, structure financing and the credit financing, pursued widely by various countries 'capital market. 资产证券化凭借其表外融资、结构融资及信用融资的优势,得到各国资本市场的广泛追捧。
Romantic artistic expression is reflected in a statement, said Xu poetic prose, and prose structure, the freedom narrative, poetry, prose speech is reflected in language, emotion and musical prose structure, narrative-a free style reflects a free spirit. 浪漫主义艺术表现,体现在徐志摩散文的诗意言说,和散文结构、叙述的自由性,诗意言说表现于散文语言的感性和音乐性,散文结构、叙述&这种自由文体体现出一种自由精神。
It is a summary of background, thesis statement, and structure of this thesis. 本章是对本文写作背景、主体思想、观点及结构的总体概括。
The semantic operation of the statement of complex structure, string and array variable is mapped to the operation of abstract memory on symbolic execution of the path, and the constraint of the path is recorded exactly in the abstract memory. 利用此抽象内存模型辅助符号执行被测路径,把路径执行过程中复杂结构体、字符串和数组变量的语义操作映射到对抽象内存的操作,通过抽象内存来精准的记录路径的约束条件。